43 research outputs found

    A Series of Isoreticular, Highly Stable, Porous Zirconium Oxide Based Metal\u2013Organic Frameworks

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    Brolly good MOFs: A new series of hydrophobic isoreticular porous Zr oxide dicarboxylate MOFs have been prepared (see picture, Zr\u2005blue polyhedra, O\u2005red, C\u2005black). They have a one-dimensional pore system, a rare combination of Lewis acidity and hydrophobic character, and a higher hydrothermal and mechanical stability than their UiO MOF polymorph counterparts.Waterproof MOFs are prepared from the reaction of ZrCl4 with the corresponding dicarboxylic acid. In their Communication on page 9267 ff., C. Serre and co-workers show that the members of this new series of isoreticular metal\u2013organic frameworks (MOFs) are hydrophobic, and have a one-dimensional pore system and Lewis acidity. They also have a higher hydrothermal and mechanical stability than their UiO MOF polymorph counterpart